In the first year of development, your baby goes through many milestones such as holding his or her head up, rolling over, crawling, and walking. These present many opportunities that greatly benefit from a properly functioning nervous system.

Over half of our practice is made up of pediatric patients. We can assist newborns with latching difficulties, torticollis, and digestive issues- including colic through the evaluation of the bones in the spine. We have seen dramatic improvements in motor skills and watched missed milestones get caught up after a correction in spinal misalignment. We have helped many toddlers with chronic ear infections, and coughs and helped older kids with sports injuries as well.

In addition to 8 years of baccalaureate (bachelor’s degree) and chiropractic school (doctorate degree), Dr. Gabaldon continued her studies with post doctoral education in extremity adjusting (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands) and pre-natal and pediatric chiropractic care.

We like to see kids of all ages to help with health issues, but most importantly, to improve their overall health. The nervous system is the master control of the body. This is important from the first moments of life.

We look forward to sharing this exciting time with you!

Click on the “TESTIMONIALS“ tab for video testimonials from parents expressing how chiropractic care helped with their child’s specific issues.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (407) 288-3621.